W Magazine’s #ChangeAgents Issue | Tory Burch Foundation

W Magazine’s #ChangeAgents Issue

Featuring Tory Burch, actress Kate Bosworth, Google executive - Yasmin Green, and two Tory Burch Foundation entrepreneurs!

The idea for the Foundation was part of Tory’s original business plan when she launched the company back in 2004. Today, the Foundation has reached impact and scale, serving women entrepreneurs nationwide.

W Magazine interviewed two of our entrepreneurs, Education Program graduate and founder of Greenhouse Eco-Cleaning, Saudia Davis and 2017 #ToryBurchFellow Anita Shepherd, the food entrepreneur behind Anita’s Yogurt. Plus hear more from #ChangeAgents Kate Bosworth, Google’s Yasmin Green, and model Constance Jablonski.

Read the article on WMagazine.com.