Dr. Valerie Purdie Greenaway on How to Counter Bias & Stereotypes | The Embrace Ambition Summit | Tory Burch Foundation
Dr. Valerie Purdie Greenaway on How to Counter Bias & Stereotypes | The Embrace Ambition Summit
How to Counter Bias and Stereotypes | Dr. Valerie Purdie Greenaway, Associate Professor, Columbia University The Tory Burch Foundation’s Embrace Ambition Summit: Confronting Stereotypes and Creating New Norms presented by Bank of America was held in New York City in April 2018. The Summit featured conversations with leaders, artists and politicians, storytelling and live performances about confronting and overcoming stereotypes.
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How to Counter Bias and Stereotypes | Dr. Valerie Purdie Greenaway, Associate Professor, Columbia University The Tory Burch Foundation’s Embrace Ambition Summit: Confronting Stereotypes and Creating New Norms presented by Bank of America was held in New York City in April 2018. The Summit featured conversations with leaders, artists and politicians, storytelling and live performances about confronting and overcoming stereotypes.
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