Anti-Racist Resources For You, Your Family & Your Business | Tory Burch Foundation

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Anti-Racist Resources For You, Your Family & Your Business

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Educational materials for business owners, parents and more.

The Tory Burch Foundation’s Embrace Ambition initiative was established in 2017 to explore implicit bias and shatter stereotypes. Following a year marked by widespread anti-racism organizing and an increase in violence against communities of color, we’re more resolute in our commitment to having difficult conversations, internally and with you, our extended family. We understand that addressing racial inequality requires change at a structural level, as well as education and changing attitudes on a personal level.

Heeding Mellody Hobson’s call to be Color Brave, we’ve curated a list of organizations and resources that tackles issues facing communities in the United States. There are so many excellent antiracist organizations and resources, and we are always looking for more tools. Please drop us a note at if you know of an organization, tool or campaign we should be aware of.


These organizations advocate for change and put funds directly into impacted communities. Learn about their work – and if you are able, donate to support their missions.

The American Civil Liberties Union works on federal advocacy, Supreme Court cases, and court battles to protect freedoms and human rights.

Black Lives Matter
Committed to the ongoing fight to end state-sanctioned violence, liberate Black people, and end white supremacy forever.

Stop AAPI Hate
Reporting center that tracks and responds to incidents of violence and discrimination against Asian-American and Pacific Islander communities in the United States.

Equal Justice Initiative
Committed to ending mass incarceration and excessive punishment, challenging racial and economic injustice, and protecting basic human rights for the most vulnerable people in America.

Southern Poverty Law Center
A catalyst for racial justice in the South and beyond, working in partnership with communities to dismantle white supremacy, strengthen intersectional movements, and advance the human rights of all people.

Muslim Advocates
Giving American Muslims a seat at the table with expert representation so all people may live free from hate and discrimination.

Advocating for Latinos in the areas of civic engagement, civil rights and immigration, education, workforce and the economy, health and housing. The United States’s largest Latino nonprofit advocacy organization. 

Native Ways Federation
Founded by a group of seven national Native-led nonprofit organizations to activate and expand informed giving to support Native communities.

Grassroots Law Project
Grassroots organizing with legal expertise to radically transform policing and justice in America.

A training, movement building, and grant-making organization dedicated to the healing, wellness, and liberation of Black and marginalized communities.

Mutual Aid
A resource to find Mutual Aid Networks and other community self-support projects near you.

African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund
An organization dedicated to preserving and sharing African American history and the important role it plays in the fabric of American society.

The Harriet Tubman Collective
A collective of Black deaf and Black disabled organizers, community builders, activists, dreamers, lovers striving for radical inclusion and collective liberation.

Third Wave Fund
Dedicated to ensuring young women, queer, and trans youth of color have the tools and resources they need to lead powerful movements.

Asian Mental Health Collective
Building a community of support for Asian mental health and de-stigmatize mental health in the Asian community.


Organizations that support people of color and women in the business, entrepreneurship, and technology.

TIME’S UP Foundation
Working to shift the paradigm of workplace culture toward one of safety, equity, and dignity for women.

Black and Brown Founders
Community, education, and access to Black and Latino entrepreneurs to launch and build tech businesses with modest resources.

Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance
First and only national organization of Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) workers, most of whom are union members, and allies advancing worker, immigrant and civil rights.

Labor Council for Latin American Advancement
Leading national organization for Latino(a) workers and their families working to impact workers’ rights and their influence in the political process.

Connects companies led by women and founders of color to capital, coaching, and community so they can take their businesses to new heights.

Supports the mission to close the diversity gap in entrepreneurship and venture capital.

Black Girls Code
Dedicated to increasing the number of women of color in the digital space by empowering girls of color ages 7 to 17 to become innovators in STEM fields.


We begin dismantling racism when we understand how our lives are affected by the systems that uphold white supremacy.

Toolkits and primers

Implicit Bias Test
We all have biases – being aware of them is one of the critical steps you can take to understanding and creating change.

Anti-Racist Resources
List of reading resources to learn about dismantling unconscious biases and action plans for equality.

How Studying Privilege Can Strengthen Compassion
Watch Peggy McIntosh at TEDxTimberlaneSchools.

Asian American Racial Justice Toolkit
An online toolkit for organizers and educators to teach social justice intersectionality as it relates to the Asian American community. It is a project of Grassroots Asians Rising.

Film, podcasts and videos

Mellody Hobson’s Color Brave
Challenging the idea of color blindness, Mellody Hobson encourages us to be Color Brave. Tackle issues of race head-on, to show courage and be bold.

Watch director Ava DuVernay’s stunning exploration of how the Thirteenth Amendment of the Constitution led to the mass incarceration of people of color.

How to Citizen
A podcast by activist and writer Baratunde Thurston that reimagines “citizen” as a verb and helps reclaim our collective power.

Revolution Playlist
Spotify playlist by Rachel Cargle featuring icons of the racial justice movement.

Seeing White
Radio show that asks, where did the notion of “whiteness” come from? What does it mean? What is whiteness for?

Yo! Is This Racist?
Answering questions from fan-submitted voicemails and emails about whether or not something is, in fact, racist.

Asian Enough
From the LA Times, this podcast sets out to expand try the ways in which being Asian-American is defined.

Latinx empowerment podcast discussing politics and culture.

Resources for families

Embrace Race
Resources for parents educating children on race.

Safe Space Radio: Can We Talk? Talking to White Kids About Racism
Provides tips and strategies for starting this critical conversation.

Why All Parents Should Talk to Their Kids About Social Identity
Focuses on the importance of talking about race and other social categories with kids and provides some helpful strategies.

The Race Card Project
Honest and open conversations about race. Create your Race Card today.

The Conscious Kid
An education, research and policy organization that created and manages the Anti-Racist Children’s Books Education Fund to counter racism and racial bias, and inspire youth activism in classrooms across the country.